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MC68HC08 Programmer


  • Model: CAR1115053
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MC68HC08 Programmer

Product Description

The MC68HC908AZ60 programmer supports Motorola MC68HC(9)08AZxx/ASxx, MC68HC05H12 microcontrollers internal EEPROM and FLASH reading, programming. This MCU most used in automotive computers (dashboards, AIRBAG, immobilizers).
A parallel port interface (LPT1, LPT2) connects the programmer to any desktop PC running Windows 98/NT/XP.
The MC68HC908AZ60 Windows based software makes programming simple. Programmer has 2 interfaces : In-circuit and On-Board. In-circuit programming interface designed to allow fast access to MCU EEPROM resources. In this mode programmer automatically detects target MCU bus speed. On-Board programming interface is intended for full access to EEPROM/FLASH resources even if security sequence unknown. In this mode programmer automatically find out security sequence and store it. The Device Menu displays all available functions to perform on the device (read, program, verify, etc...). The MC68HC908AZ60 programmer can process 2 popular file formats - Motorola S-record and binary. A full screen editor is provided to view or edit any address of the programming buffer in binary or ASCII formats.
Supported device table:
MC68HC908AZ60 (2J74Y)
MC68HC908AZ60 (4J74Y)
MC68HC908AZ60A (3K85K)
MC68HC908AS60 (3J74Y)
MC68HC908AB32 (3K56G)
MC68HC08AZ60 (1J35D)
MC68HC08AZ32 (0J66D)
MC68HC08AZ32 (1H56A)
MC68HC08AS20 (0H94K)
MC68HC08AZ32A (1L52H)
MC68HC05H12 (0H57A) 4.19 MHz
MC68HC908AS60A (1L87J)
MC68HC05H12 (0H57A) 4.00 MHz
MC68HC08AB16A (0L72A)

Additional Information

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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 21 August, 2010.

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