Nintendo wii Guitar Hero Drum
Nintendo wii Guitar Hero Drum Description:
Nintendo wii Guitar Hero Drum specification:

# power on wii console。After insert withcontroller ,then
turn two lock button which inner controller placed cases left
till the cover spring freedom.take the cover off.After connect
controller and cover back.
# when you enter into game main menu,can beat"green" drum face
to confirm option,"red " color drum face turn back.Select "QUICKPLAY"
after confirm and enter list od songs.
# After enter list of songs move "3D" aspect key " to choose your
love song and beat"green"drum to confirm.After confirm, the light
will bright front of song(eg.:picture2,the game can continue to
choose 6songs max.)Finish it ,press "+" key.The list of game
difficulty level,please move "3D" aspect key" to choose 6 songs
max.)drum confirm as before then enter game.
# when play game,according the different color note of screen ,
knock the insert color drum activation game.
Nintendo wii Guitar Hero DrumPackage Content:
1 xNintendo wii Guitar Hero Drum