Here we have a useful infographic that we produced providing information about the number of calories you can burn doing various household tasks. Learn about the amount of calories you can burn doing vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, ironing and more.

Housework may be the friendliest way to lose weight
Do housework
First, some easy housework, such as vacuuming, sweeping, ironing and dusting, consume about 100 calories per hour. Some moving housework, such as cleaning glass and bathroom cleaning, consume 250 and 231 calories per hour. Scrubbing floors with a wider range of physical activity consumes as much as 400 calories per hour.
Don’t think the 400 is large number. In fact, the calorie intake could be more than 510 calories from a simply breakfast including bread, milk and egg. That is, after this breakfast, you need to scrub the floor for an hour and then dust the furniture for an hour to offset this calorie intake, which may take within 10 minutes.
Doing housework is a bit monotonous than any other variety of exercise programs, but it is inevitable as long as you are truly care about your surroundings.
In fact, in most cases, it may take around double time on housework to achieve the same effect as a sports events. However, if you’re a neat freak who will scrub the bathtub once a day, it takes just 30 minutes of hard work to reach the 45-minute calories consumption on social dance. However, I believe you are still more willing to choose the latter considering pleasurable experience.
Housework may be the friendliest way to lose weight.
Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to lose weight. after all, life is short, eat is first.